Coping With Anxiety: 4 Ways to You Can Manage Your Anxiety

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Anxiety is something that often sneaks up on you when you least expect it. However, for many people, it’s a part of their everyday life, and they often need help to cope with getting through their anxiety attacks. Sometimes their anxiety may be so bad that they feel like they are going to die. This can lead to an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, or muscle tension.

In order to fight anxiety effectively, many people have turned to the use of medication. It has also been proven that therapy can also help reduce anxiety levels in the long term. For people in the UK, Anxiety and Depression is a common disorder, and statistics show that 7.8% of people experience them in one form or another. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can get help, here are ways you can manage your anxiety:

1. Avoid things that set off your anxiety

Anxiety can often been manifest and set off by different triggers. Most of the time, those who suffer from anxiety have no way of knowing these triggers, and unfortunately, are unaware that they are contributing to their own anxiety. Paying attention to triggers can help to make sure that you aren’t unintentionally triggering yourself. Triggers such as moping, eating bad foods, and participating in activities that stimulate your anxiety as well as other habits should be avoided, so you don’t continue harming yourself.

2. Anxiety relief techniques

Anxiety relief techniques can help you to cope when your anxiety becomes too much for you to handle. Anxiety relief techniques have been used for decades but have become more popular recently because they are safe to use without any negative side effects. Some of the more popular techniques are:

  • Visualization: Visualizing yourself in a situation that makes you feel calm and avoid the situation.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: Relaxing your muscles one at a time, starting with the forehead and moving down to your toes in order to achieve deep relaxation.
  • Scheduling time away from your usual routine: Taking an hour or two off work every day and spending it doing something enjoyable like exercising, reading, watching funny videos/TV shows, or meditating.

There are many other anxiety relief techniques that you can try, such as meditation, yoga, exercises, etc.

3. Question your thoughts

Negative thoughts can creep into our minds at any given time, and if they persist for a long time, they can lead to anxiety or depression. So it is always important to question the things that we have been thinking about – it might just be that our brain is playing tricks on us or came up with some false thoughts.

 4. Ask your medical physician for advice on how to manage your anxiety.

Anxiety can be overwhelming, so if techniques don’t work, it’s okay to seek advice from medical professionals. In some cases, they may suggest a therapy that could help you talk through any negative thoughts you may be having, and it can also help you work through your issues.

Alternatively, some doctors may suggest that you take medication to help with your anxiety. In countries similar to the United States, alternative medicines such as CBD, hemp oil extract made from Cannabis Seeds, aromatherapy and other forms of alternative medicines that can help treat anxiety symptoms. Again, speaking to your doctor could help find a way to combat your anxiety and make you feel better in the long run.

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